how to fix gambling addiction but still play poker

Gambling addiction is a serious disorder, so if you find yourself experiencing difficulties it’s essential that professional help be sought immediately. Clinics and residential programs offer treatment programs for gambling addiction; treatments may include group therapy, individual psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy which may help alter how you think about gambling while developing new coping mechanisms.

Identify and avoid your triggers. For example, if gambling becomes your go-to solution when stressed or bored, find something else to occupy your mind – be it old hobbies you enjoy again or something completely new – such as yoga or mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises to slow your thoughts down, identify any irrational beliefs and reduce negative emotions which might prompt gambling behavior.

Avoid situations and people that make you more likely to gamble, like casinos. If your commute passes near one or if your social circle includes many who partake in this form of entertainment, consider making changes in your daily routine to prevent you from gambling again – this might involve finding another route, carrying less cash with you or uninstalling sports betting apps from your phone and stopping going to casinos and gaming venues altogether.

If you find yourself having difficulty quitting gambling, take heart in knowing it will take time and commitment to accomplish. One effective strategy to help people with gambling problems overcome their addiction is taking one day at a time; this prevents them from feeling overwhelmed when faced with thinking of permanently refraining from gambling-related behavior – something many consider impossible!

Focus on positive self-talk when feeling the urge to gamble. Listing all of the things for which you are grateful can boost confidence levels and make you more hopeful about the future. It also can help refocus on goals and priorities that could improve quality of life.

If you owe significant debts from gambling, it’s essential that these are paid off as quickly as possible. A credit counselor can assist with creating a budget and payment plans; you could also join a gambling support group where members share similar experiences without judgment; alternatively, your health insurance may cover therapy sessions specifically focused on this issue.