did anyone win the daily lottery game

Did Anyone Win the Daily Lottery Game? Each day, over 390,000 individuals win lottery games across the world – to see if you are one, simply enter your serial number from your ticket at any retailer – it’s that easy! Additionally, you can view past winning numbers by selecting any date between today and 1985 for any lottery game in question.

From 1994-20, communications students at local colleges and universities gained valuable career experience by hosting the evening drawings of The Numbers game on TV. By doing so, they introduced Rhode Island Lottery players to this exciting new technology while giving an insight into its future use for selecting winning numbers.

Players must be 18 or over to play. Should you think that you have won, it is your responsibility to contact the Lottery immediately in order to confirm winning numbers and prize payout information. We do not notify winners directly via phone, email or mail and therefore if anyone attempts to contact you pretending they are from our Lottery it could be considered fraud – for more consumer protection advice visit Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection’s website.