3 Simple Steps to Assure On the web Privacy

3 Easy Ways to Protect Online Privacy

Online privacy refers to both your ability and right to keep any sensitive personal data private – this includes what you post online as well as how companies like Google use your data for targeted advertising purposes. Unfortunately, online privacy can sometimes be compromised by hackers or companies collecting too much personal information for questionable purposes; fortunately there are tools that can protect it online.

One of the easiest and simplest ways to protect your online privacy is using strong passwords across all of your accounts. This lowers the risk of unauthorised access when hackers gain entry, since weak passwords like “Password1” or “12345” only take seconds for hackers to crack. A password manager like that built into Google Account can also help create, secure and access passwords quickly for websites and apps.

Stop companies from tracking your internet activity by blocking tracking cookies and disabling cross-website tracking, switching browsers such as Brave that blocks ad trackers by default and switching from HTTP to HTTPS for encrypted browsing traffic.

Though it’s impossible to completely protect your online privacy, these steps can make a substantial impactful difference. Follow best security practices like installing operating system updates and avoiding suspicious downloads or links and this will reduce the chance that malicious software exploits vulnerabilities unpatched vulnerabilities and compromises your computer.